i choose 2 b me!

i choose 2 b me!

Monday, March 29, 2010

its been 12 hours since the last..................

trust is something that u cant buy...trust is something that u need in life..u gain trust...i need to trust u. n i also need u 2 trust me. believe in me. it need years 4 me to trust u n it only take a second 4 me to doubt it. i would nver betrayed u.

someone once says dat, trust in a relationship is relying on your partner to do the right thing in all situations, and doing the same yourself. You let them go out with their friends, and go to parties if they want, or see their ex because you trust that if someone pulled a move on them, they would do the right thing by you.

Doing this in a lot of cases helps people keep a steady conscience, because i would never betray someone i knew trusted me and i think a lot of people are the same.

There are always dickheads out there who will use people who trust them, but trust is essential in a good healthy relationship. It encourages not only both partner's individual personalities and joys in life, but it makes the relationship enjoyable and strong.

he who does not trust enuf will not be trusted..well well...in my face!! guess i didnt trust u as much as u trust me.

we'r nver so vulnerable than when we trust someone, but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy. love + joy= trust

hold on me. i trust u. fly with me. my life with u.

p/s: i love u

Saturday, February 13, 2010

well well well.....

muh best fren, BFF for llife, nk kawen dh...ari isnin ni...too early???? well, it is nit wut she said, die kate, special case. adoi..i just cant believe it..

its like baru smlm kitorg pg skolah sme2...mkn same2, jmpe ckgu sme2, kne marah sme2, mnanges sme2, happy same2, brgelak ketawa...GOD...i miss u guyss....

smoga bahagia azrah..i wish u 4 da best..all ur life!!! u can always talkd 2 me about evrthg..dats wat frens 4. dont 4get yea...love u


damn hate dis place...with da people araound...jln xnak lmbap lak seko2....tentu2 ramai org kan, jln la laju sket? ni jln cam xde haluan idup..damn stupid ugly bitches yg suke nk bckap kat fon tgh2 jln...bole x duduk tepi sket..jln ni atok korang ke yag buat?

+ org nk p bli ticket tau la nk pg kaunter...xpyah nk sebok2 tnye, stop kan org yg tgh jln, ingt ko 2 spe.....ak ckp dah ad tickt, ad la....xpyah la plak nk tnye ke mne, bas mne...ingt ak ni xskolah ke xgti bce kat mne nk tggu bas....dumb ass...

org yg suke nk smoke pas 2 hmbus asap kat dpn muke org...bapak la xde adap ka...xdpt la cek nk wat kat ak...kne sound skali...nme je org tua!! otak kat lutut...ko ingat ak tgoda ke?


ari 2 nk blk umah, tp trun mlaka. bli la tic kat kaunter ni. kaunter bas MAHARANI.! die kate trun skrang. giler bullshit. ak trun stu bas MAHARANI pn xde?? wer da hell....dah la pnas cam haram....fine, ak tguu...dah la sorang2...tnye pakcik akt bawah 2 die kate naek bas MAYANG SARI yg kat sblh ni...same je ngan maharani..ak xnek dlu, sbb takut kang salah lak...tggu la kat bwah 2 ngan keadaan yg panas yg amat cam HARAM.

lpas 2, ngan x d sangka2, ad sorang TUA KUTUK ni....SON OF A BITCH, BASTARD yang xsdar dri ni, yg bpak la cam s*** prangai, nmpak ni ak ngah tggu bas, dgn slmbanye pg buang air blkg papan nipis yg lbih kurang tinggi die, n 100meter dari ak...pas 2 kluar smbil btol2 kan sluar, pandg ak dgn snyuman yg BANGANG, cam ak suke....lpas 2 bole plak nk pg straight kat ak tnye ak tggu bas mne..n, ak lupe nk bg tau korang, die ni yg tkang jge tickt bas kat bwah. . jgn harap la cek ak nk ckp nagn ko, ak trus bla nagn wat muke yg amat JIJIK.....

dah la pnas ni, bas xsmpai2 lagi, dh 30mnt tggu, ad pakcik ni kte nek MAYANG SARI...same je....fine, ak nek ngan harapan ad aircond...sejuk sket......turn out...aircond x bfungsi....yg ad dlm bas, drivr bas yg tgh tdo, n ad sorang bdak jge tik ni....die pg kat ak nk amek tic, den ak suh die psang aircond, die bole nk cakap aircond ni mse jln nnt bru die bfungsi..just SHUT DA FUCK UP MR!!!!!.......ap ke bangang nye alasan ko 2...ak mntak tic balik...die bole tnye, nk wat pe? nak wat refund ke? ak jwp ye la....n die kate mne ley refund n trus bla.....bpka la brasap kan....nk bsing bnyak2 takot lak sbb ak sorang dlm bas mse 2....

15 mnt lpas 2, bru bas nk jln...ad la dlm 18 org dlm bas...n guess wut, dat FUCKIN aircond x brfungsi pn....ak pnye hangen..dlm ati ni, klau ak jmpe la bdk td 2 blk, mmg sure kne marah.....hurghhhhhhhh............................klau bas xelok, xpyah la nk bwak bjalan...ko yg drive bas 2 bole la rse angen, kitorg yg duk blkang ni, tkepam udara....ngan pnas...smpai xbole bnafas....otak xde btol...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

lotta tinks happen..

org kate slagi hidup, msalah mmg akan sntiase dtg..n kte kne slalu bsyukur. tuhan memberi ujian pada hambanye yg die rse mampu tok mnanggung nye...mksdnye die ingat kat kte. nk mnyedarkan ak dr trus hanyut. tp, ak cam goyang je..

lots n lots n lots of things happen. am juggling with shits. getting sick of it. i tried 2 make it better..somehw it bcome worse. tried 2 just leave it bhind, but its hard..

i just want u 2 accompany me? i didnt asked 4 more....dats enuf 4 me..but stil, dat lil tinks pn u xbole nk bg.. kept arguing bout da same things, n yet u kept apologizing. i want u 2 understand me. was it sooo hard 4 u? am i being needy? if it is so, den tell me, i wont bother u anymore.

at least u could text me, tellin dat ur goin 2 b soo damn bz dis whole week. i could probly undrstnd u. u noe wut, i had enuf. i want 2 love u, not hating u..n if it is this wut u want, den, u'll get it..but somehw dont u regret this thing in da future. ur da one who kept us apart.